It is quite common for online games to be adapted from previously-certified content. Games are often updated with new language variants, features, and math models. In these cases, test procedures can be adapted, and any duplication of testing work is kept to a minimum, reducing your lead times to market.
If your ambitions are to enter multiple jurisdictions with your products, Transfers of Approval for existing certifications are an optimal method of expanding across jurisdictions quickly. This is achieved by the testing and updating of previous certifications. GLI will perform a gap analysis and then only concentrate on any incremental testing required to verify compliance with the iGaming component(s) with additional or newly applicable standards. GLI leverages its previous testing of the iGaming component(s) to maximize testing costs your organization may have previously expended.
GLI has the most extensive experience of working across various technical standards and multiple languages to ensure you remain compliant while meeting the full scope of testing and reporting requirements for each regulator.
GLI stands ready to assist you with your Transfers of Approval today.