Getting Started
As an “institution issuing gaming device test reports” in the Republic of Slovenia, according to the Regulation on institutions issuing gaming device test reports, the institution GLI Europe B.V., Diakenhuisweg 29-35, 2033AP Haarlem, The Netherlands must publish, on its website, the procedure of certifying gaming devices, the procedure of issuing gaming device test reports, the certification submission request form, the inspection request form with the relevant instructions (paragraph 1 of Article 18 of the Regulation), as well as the price list of compliance determination procedures to which the Slovenian regulator has given its consent (paragraph 3 of Article 18 of the Regulation).
Accordingly, the following documents can be downloaded from this webpage. (in Slovenian)
In case of any questions, please kindly contact us or your GLI business development representative.
Kot imenovana institucija v Republiki Sloveniji za izdajanje poročil o preizkusu igralne naprave na podlagi Pravilnika o institucijah za izdajanje poročil o preizkusu igralne naprave, mora institucija GLI Europe B.V., Diakenhuisweg 29-35, 2033AP Haarlem, Nizozemska na svoji spletni strani javno objaviti postopek certificiranja igralnih naprav, postopek izdaje poročila o preizkusu igralne naprave, vlogo za ugotavljanje skladnosti igralne naprave, vlogo za izvedbo kontrole igralne naprave in navodilo za izpolnjevanje vloge (1. odstavek 18. člena Pravilnika) ter cenik stroškov ugotavljanja skladnosti, katerega odobri nadzorni organ (3. odstavek 18. člena Pravilnika).
Na voljo so naslednji dokumenti za prenos:
V primeru kakršnih koli vprašanj nas kontaktirajte ali se obrnite na svojega poslovnega skrbnika oziroma spodnji kontakt.
Field Inspection Engineer
Gaming Laboratories International (GLI®)
+386 (0)40 505 057