Case Study
OnAir Entertainment
The Situation
OnAir EntertainmentTM was founded in December 2020 with ambitious plans to build a new live casino studio from the ground up, and with the mission to lead the industry in the live casino space. They amassed an impressive team with over 200 years of collective experience in live casino, but they also required a testing and compliance partner who could match that experience to bring their products to market and help them reach their ultimate goal of opening new studios in the USA.
The Challenge
OnAir Entertainment engaged with GLI in 2022 to support their plans to certify a number of live casino games for multiple markets in Europe, plans to test their games for U.S. markets, and carry out live studio audits in the U.S.
With no experience in live studio audits and testing games for the U.S. market, they needed a testing house they could trust and could guide them through the complex process.
The initial project was commissioned in August 2022 for GLI to test a single game for 15 different jurisdictions across Europe. That scope quickly expanded to testing around 15-18 games around their RNG and RGS for almost 20 different markets in Europe, South Africa, Canada, and the U.S.
The Action
Due to the expanding scope and ambitious time frame for delivery, GLI were able to call on additional resources globally to quickly build a team of experts. The GLI team in South Africa carried out the testing, a team in the Netherlands carried out the RGN, and the Quality Assurance team in the U.S.; and Europe issued all of the reports.
GLI helped streamline the end-to-end process for the client by providing pre-testing assessments for three games to identify any potential issues early on for Michigan and Pennsylvania. Experts from the U.S. and Netherlands teams also held a number of workshops for the client on the GLI-19 standards in Pennsylvania and Michigan, and a workshop on live studio audits for the U.S. market. This gave their compliance team the opportunity to ask GLI experts questions and understand the requirements better so they could be well prepared for the testing and audits.
The client had direct access to their dedicated team of experts at every point of the journey, from sales support, going through the technical teams, compliance, and QA. GLI were able to provide consistent, solid, and reliable support to help OnAir Entertainment meet their goals within months of the project commencing.
Whilst the timelines were challenging, there was unwavering commitment, great coordination and communication, and a shared desire to succeed from all involved.
The GLI-19 Standard
GLI-19: Interactive Gaming Systems is a technical standard based on an extensive review of several key interactive gaming jurisdictions that have experienced success in regulating the inherently complex systems associated with iGaming. It was the first set of common standards for technical regulation of iGaming markets, encompassing the best practices in regulated jurisdictions from the U.S., Canada, and countries across Europe. The latest version, GLI-19 V3.0, represents the most highly developed set of technical requirements and practices available in the gaming industry. GLI-19 is especially important today as many jurisdictions across the globe have a pressing desire to implement internet gaming quickly. GLI-19, and all standards in the GLI library, are examples of how GLI can help its clients succeed in ways no other lab can.
The Result
In 8 months, 100 certificates were issued for more than 20 regulated markets, and the list of games just keeps growing. OnAir EntertainmentTM live casino games have also launched in nine markets in just 11 months, and their plans for going live in the U.S. Markets in 2023 are on track.
GLI were able to deliver a number of reports before the target date. and when testing multiple games for different markets, they made sure they understood which market was the priority to deliver that first and ahead of schedule.
The next milestone for delivery is a pre-assessment for the live studio audit in the U.S. before carrying out the real audit for the client.