Case Study
The Situation
ESATPT’s technology and development services date back to 2010, when the company began bringing information and communications technology to the barangays (districts) throughout the Philippines. In 2019, ESATPT joined the Small Town Lottery (STL), a democratized grassroots-based lottery and charity that is one of the lottery products overseen by the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO). However, consumer preferences were changing, and ESATPT recognized the need to shift from solely land-based technology to including online gaming as well. Then the world changed overnight.
The Challenge
As the pandemic swept the globe, gaming regulators, suppliers, and operators everywhere began searching for ways to meet players’ growing demand for online gaming. Such was the case in the Philippines, and the PCSO encouraged all parties to make greater use of online platforms.
With a shift toward online gaming, the PCSO also revised its Implementing Rules & Regulations, requiring suppliers to prove certification to the global Standard, “GLI-19: Interactive Gaming Systems.” In order to comply with the standard and get into the online gaming business, ESATPT needed to quickly get tested, certified, and get their business online.
The Action
As a first step, ESATPT created ABaCOS (Automated Betting Credit Online System), an online gaming software program that enables the end-user to play the lottery using mobile devices. Now that the software was built and ready to be implemented, it needed to be tested against the GLI-19 standard to gain certification and to be approved by the PCSO for use throughout the jurisdiction. ESATPT turned to GLI for its testing and certification needs.
The online gaming professionals in GLI Macau’s lab met with ESATPT to present GLI’s capabilities and to develop a plan of action for testing and beyond, helping ESATPT navigate the new regulatory landscape. GLI is the only test lab that works with all global jurisdictions – existing and emerging – putting GLI in a unique position to help all stakeholders.
The Standard
GLI-19: Interactive Gaming Systems is a technical Standard based on an extensive review of several key interactive gaming jurisdictions that have experienced great success in regulating the inherently complex systems associated with iGaming. It was the first set of common Standards for technical regulation of iGaming markets, encompassing the best practices in regulated jurisdictions from the U.S., Canada, and from countries across Europe.
The latest version, GLI-19 V3.0, represents the most highly developed set of technical requirements and practices available in the gaming industry. GLI-19 is especially important today as many jurisdictions across the globe have a pressing desire to implement internet gaming quickly. The GLI-19 Standard, and all Standards in the GLI canon, are examples of how GLI can help in ways no other lab can.
The Results
ESATPT successfully complied with the requirements under the GLI-19 Standard, passed GLI’s rigorous testing, and was certified in accordance with this Standard. “Despite the hurdles and uncertainties of this time of pandemic, we should persevere and continue moving forward to achieve our goal and extend more services to the public and for the general welfare,” said Roger D. Nicon, President and CEO.